Saturday, May 9, 2009

52 in 52

So, Nicole over at Stash and Burn is challenging herself to do 52 craft projects in 52 weeks... not just knitting but sewing too. I've decided to do this too, hoping it will encourage me to sew and scrapbook along the way. I've created a flickr set with photos of each of my projects that I'm counting toward the 52. The trick is going to be not compromising on the projects out of a need to crank them out and stay on track. I've decided to include DIY projects that I take on that have a crafty spin, like my "photo studio" and the bookcase for the school room.

Yes, the bookcase is done. It took 2 coats of primer and 3 coats of red paint. I probably could have done another coat of red, but I ran out of paint. Red is HARD to paint with! I'm wishing I had the primer tinted to a darker color because painting red over white primer is NOT fun or easy. So, the bookcase only looks okay in my opinion, but I figure its going to get used and abused so it really doesn't matter. Here's a photo, in its permanent location, already all loaded up with books and school supplies (I say permanent because I had to screw it to the wall, it is a bit top heavy):

My first completed sewing project of the year is a clothespin bag. I decided to hang clothesline over the back deck so I can dry laundry. I had the clothespins but nothing to put them in, so I searched online for a pattern or tutorial and finally settled on this one. I used some flannel remnants from my fabric stash and came up with this:
Clothespin Bag
The tutorial recommends a child's size plastic hanger and I can see how that might have been better size-wise but I didn't have one and wasn't going to go buy one... its all about making use of what I have. Of course ever since I finished it, it has been raining and I haven't gotten to use it but it will be helpful next laundry day.

I've been working on piecing a quilt-top style tablecloth. I actually started cutting the pieces about 5 years ago and didn't get very far. I've started assembling the blocks, so hopefully it'll go quickly.

My next sewing project is an easy apron for Ethan. He loves to help me in the kitchen and always asks to wear my apron when we bake. Of course it is too big for him and doesn't really do its job on a 5 year old, so this new one will be just his size. If they are as easy as the pattern makes them look, I might be making a bunch of them for Christmas presents. Wow, it is only May, am I really planning Christmas presents already?

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