I've been making great progress on my first sock. My only complaint is that I should have knitted them on 4s rather than 3s. They seem VERY tightly knit. They look like they are going to fit fine and make great house socks. I must remember to get some puffy paint or something similar to put on the soles so I don't slip and fall on my hardwood floors! Turning the heel on a sock is MUCH easier than I expected it to be. Like I've been told many times, just do what the pattern says and don't over think it! Now, here's hoping I don't end up with second sock syndrome.
Now for gloves... Ethan broke the laces on his brand new baseball glove, the one Auntie Casey and Jon got him for his birthday. It came with a ball attached and apparently he wanted them separate. Rather than asking for help, he just pulled it off, breaking the laces. When I told him that he broke it, he was VERY upset, apologized, and started crying. I felt bad, because he didn't even realize he had broken it. I told him I would try to fix it, but I needed the right tools. So now I have to try to find leather lacing that is strong enough and re-lace the fingers of the glove. Hopefully I can do it in time for him to start PeeWee in three weeks.
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